In the United States, we pour billions into the pursuit of a cure for cancer, yet often overlook a powerful tool: prevention (NCI, 2022).

The HPV vaccine is a remarkable asset in the fight against cancer. It guards against the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. The Human Papillomavirus, is responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer, as well as a significant portion of other cancers such as anal, penile, vaginal, and oropharyngeal cancers (Bednarczyk, 2019). By vaccinating against HPV, we have the power to drastically reduce the incidence of these cancers and save countless lives (Bednarczyk, 2019).

While it might sound too good to be true, the success stories from countries like Australia (Hall, 2019) and England (Falcaro, 2021) prove otherwise. Through proactive measures including nationwide HPV vaccine mandates in schools, these countries have made incredible strides towards eradicating cervical cancer. In fact, Australia is on track to become the first country to eliminate cervical cancer entirely, thanks in large part to their comprehensive vaccination program (Hall, 2019).

So why isn’t the same happening here in the United States? Despite the overwhelming evidence of the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness, uptake remains disappointingly low (Bednarczyk, 2019). This is due in part to misinformation and hesitancy among parents, as well as a lack of proactive policies mandating HPV vaccination in schools (Hirth, 2019).

It’s time for a change. We cannot afford to continue neglecting this crucial aspect of cancer prevention. Parents, educators, and community members, take action. Let’s follow the lead of countries like Australia and England by implementing school mandates for the HPV vaccine. By ensuring that all eligible students receive the HPV vaccine as part of their routine immunization schedule, we can help protect our children from the devastating impact of HPV-related cancers and move closer to a future free from the burden of cancer.

Let’s shift our focus for our children. We need not merely search for a cure, but we must use our policy tools to actively prevent cancer before it strikes. The HPV vaccine offers us a powerful tool in this endeavor, and it’s time we fully embrace its potential. Let’s prioritize the health and well-being of our children by mandating the HPV vaccine in schools nationwide. Parents, be advocates, your actions today can shape a healthier, cancer-free future.


Bednarczyk R. A. (2019). Addressing HPV vaccine myths: practical information for healthcare providers. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 15(7-8), 1628–1638.

Falcaro, M., Castañon, A., Ndlela, B., Checchi, M., Soldan, K., Lopez-Bernal, J., Elliss-Brookes, L., & Sasieni, P. (2021). The effects of the national HPV vaccination programme in England, UK, on cervical cancer and grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia incidence: A register-based observational study. The Lancet, 398(10316), 2084–2092. 

Hall, M. T., Simms, K. T., Lew, J.-B., Smith, M. A., Brotherton, J. M., Saville, M., Frazer, I. H., & Canfell, K. (2019). The projected timeframe until cervical cancer elimination in Australia: A modelling study. The Lancet Public Health, 4(1). 

Hirth J. (2019). Disparities in HPV vaccination rates and HPV prevalence in the United States: a review of the literature. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 15(1), 146–155.

2022 NCI budget fact book – research funding. 2022 NCI Budget Fact Book – Research Funding – NCI. (n.d.). 

One thought on “Preventing Cancer Before It Strikes: The Case for HPV Vaccination Mandates in Schools

  1. Very interesting read, you do an excellent job highlighting the urgency and importance of HPV vaccination! Are there any lessons we can learn from Australia or the UK about how to combat vaccine hesitancy and misinformation? These insights could help inform the approach to addressing these barriers in the US and make HPV vaccination requirements a reality.


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